Southern Urals
Site name:
Google map
Project lead: name of researcher, institution
Status of project: xx plots, xx pitfall traps, sampling regime (dates: xx-xx)
Available specimens and data:
(a) Samples: number of plots x traps x sampling times, number of specimens
(b) Reference specimen set: number of morphospecies
(c) DNA extractions: number of extractions, single or bulk
(d) DNA sequencing: genes sequenced, sequencing methodology
(e) metabarcoding: marker used, number of samples
(f) Sequence data: (Genbank accession xx-xx)
Google map
Project lead: name of researcher, institution
Status of project: xx plots, xx pitfall traps, sampling regime (dates: xx-xx)
Available specimens and data:
(a) Samples: number of plots x traps x sampling times, number of specimens
(b) Reference specimen set: number of morphospecies
(c) DNA extractions: number of extractions, single or bulk
(d) DNA sequencing: genes sequenced, sequencing methodology
(e) metabarcoding: marker used, number of samples
(f) Sequence data: (Genbank accession xx-xx)